Institute of Bioinformatics · University Medicine Greifswald · Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald
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2017-now: Ph.D. Student, Institute of Bioinformatics, University-Medicine Greifswald
2015-2017: M.Sc. Mathematics, Philipps-University of Marburg
2016-2017: Exchange-Semester at Aalto-University, School of Science, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland
2012-2015: B.Sc. Mathematics, Philipps-University of Marburg
Development of appropriate methods for automated biomarker discovery in high-dimensional, incomplete health-care data
Prediction of six-month all-cause mortality from electronic health records
Liver Systems Medicine
Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science
Poster Presentation: Automatic Adaptive Refinement of Bayesian Networks for Biomarker Discovery from Heterogeneous Healthcare Data
Poster Presentation: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Epidemiological and Gene Expression Data on NAFLD
Contributed talk: Identification in the Dynamic Stochastic Blockmodel
Müller H., Godehard S. P., Palm G. J., Berndt L., Badenhorst C. P. S., Becker A.-K., Lammers M., Bornscheuer U. (2020)
Discovery and Design of Family VIII Carboxylesterases as Highly Efficient Acyltransferases.
Angew. Chemie, in press
Palma Medina L. M., Becker A.-K., Michalik S., Surmann K., Hildebrandt P., Gesell Salazar M., Mekonnen S., Kaderali L., Völker U. and van Dijl J. M. (2020)
Interaction of Staphylococcus aureus and host cells upon infection of bronchial epithelium during different stages of regeneration.
ACS Infectious Diseases
Becker A.-K. (2020)
GroupBN: Learn group Bayesian networks using hierarchical clustering.
R package, version 0.2.1
Müller H., Becker A.-K., Palm G. J., Berndt L., Badenhorst C. P. S., Godehard S. P., Reisky L., Lammers M., Bornscheuer U. T. (2020)
Sequence-based prediction of promiscuous acyltransferase activity in hydrolases.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., vol. 59, issue 28, pp. 11607-11612
Becker A.-K., Holzmann H. (2019)
Nonparametric identification in the dynamic stochastic block model.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 4335-4344;,
Palma Medina L. M., Becker A.-K., Michalik S., Yedavally H., Raineri E. J., Hildebrandt P., Gesell Salazar M., Surmann K., Pförtner H., Mekonnen S., Salvati A., Kaderali L., van Dijl J. M. and Völker U. (2019)
Metabolic cross-talk between human bronchial epithelial cells and internalized Staphylococcus aureus as a driver for infection.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 18.5 (2019): 892-908;
Becker A.-K., Erfle H., Gunkel M., Beil N., Lisaukas T., Kaderali L., Starkuviene V. (2018)
Comparison of cell arrays and multi-well plates in microscopy-based screening.
High-Throughput 2018, 7(2), 13;
Master Thesis, 2017
Bachelor Thesis, 2015
WS 19/20: Einführung in die klinische Medizin - Wissenschaftlichkeit
WS 2014-SS 2017 (at Philipps-University of Marburg): Praktikum zur Statistiksoftware R, Lineare Algebra I+II, Grundlagen der Analysis,
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Maß- und Integrationstheorie